8 Eylül 2007 Cumartesi

Yeniliklere Açık Olmak...

Değerli Arkadaşlarım,
Yeni Eğitim-Öğretim yılına girerken öğretmenlerimizin yoğun bir çalışma içinde olduğunu sanıyorum. Derslerimizi "yenilikçi" bir yaklaşımla, teknoloji desteğini de yanımıza alarak hazırlarsak, üstelik bunu da diğer meslektaşlarımız, velilerimiz ve öğrencilerimizle takım çalışmasıyla sinerji yaratarak yaparsak; güçlü ve vizyoner yeni kuşaklar yetiştirmede daha başarılı olacağımıza inanıyorum. Yenilikçilik ruhunu kazandırmak için hem hizmet-içi hem de hizmet öncesi eğitimlerin önemli olduğunu biliyorum. Bu bağlamda 29 Eylül tarihinde MEB/Eğitek ve Microsoft Türkiye işbirliğiyle "Türkiye Yenilikçi Öğretmenler Forumu" İstanbul'da gerçekleştirilecek. 50 civarında projeyle her ilden gelen öğretmenler çalışmalarını paylaşacaklar. Öte yandan ikinci dönem Boğaziçinde Eğitim fakültesi öğrencilerim "Innovative Teaching" dersimi alarak mesleğe girmeden bu kavramı sorgulamaya başlayacaklar.
Sizlerle geçen yıl orta doğu Teknik Üniversitesi Uluslararası ELT Konferansında, "Quality in ELT" dersimi almış, Boğaziçi Üniversitesi'nden mezun olan şu anda da Bilkent Üniversitesinde çalışan bir öğrencimle birlikte sunmaktan büyük keyif aldığım bir bildiriyi paylaşmak istiyorum.
En güzel günlerin sizlerin olması dileklerimle...
Use of Technology and its Importance for all Turkish Teachers: Innovative Teaching!
H.Köksal (Ph.D.)& S.Bayraktar
Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) is an idea in most countries which has not been put into action, yet. It still lingers in the air with its potential to be realized in the hands of competent teachers. Therefore, we need to elaborate on how teachers can be competent in that area and what they can do with technology. The use of technology effectively and ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) projects can be considered as a good opportunity for ELTers to ignite the independent-creative thinking abilities of our students. The data students are subject to will increase in quantity, but the more various data they deal with, the more critical and selective they will happen to be. Moreover, the presence of immense data input will trigger their creativity supplying raw materials for a brand-new original output. CALL is also regarded as a far-fetched ideal by some in teaching area. In fact, they have logical arguments that need to be discussed: 1.Students are not mature enough to utilize technology effectively and are inclined to misuse it, which in turn disturbs the learning effectiveness. 2. In most countries, the students are used to traditional methods, you cannot expect them to be autonomous learners immediately. 3. It is generally said that parents are essential components of CAL. However, in developing countries students cannot take necessary help from their parents whose education level and economic status are comparatively low. In such a situation, students can neither be encouraged nor can take extra help during their study from their parents.
In Turkey, there is an outstanding need for Computer Assisted Learning in the light of the arguments we have highlighted in this study. Nothing we think as essential and take for granted now was achievable when it first starred as an idea. Therefore, it is viable that tomorrow’s world is the sum of the ideals that are thought to be unlikely, now. In Turkey, we want to have a say upon our tomorrow and trigger an action that will lead to cultivate informed, educated, creative, questioning individuals that are eager to shape the destiny of the world. Many different ways might be proposed for overcoming those difficulties and blocks. One of them, designed according to the needs and requirements of Turkey and to the pre-requisites of the new Curriculum of primary schools will be shared in this study: Innovative Teaching!